As Natural As The Original Tooth

Zirconium is a new generation, contemporary dental veneer. Zirconium dental veneers, which are as natural as the original tooth, are long-lasting and aesthetic.

[Dental veneers used to be supported by metal since they did not have sufficient resistance. The incompatibility of metal with human tissue, its allergenic and aesthetic insufficiency used to cause problems.]

Frequently Asked Questions About Zirconium Dental Veneers

What Makes Zirconium Special?

The zirconium element is abrasion resistant, compatible with human tissue and aesthetic. Therefore, it enables to make new teeth in the quality of natural teeth.

Who Can Have Zirconium Dental Veneers?

✓ People who want to renew their teeth due to impaired health and aesthetics.
✓ People who want the correction of small crooked teeth in their teeth.
✓ People who prefer aesthetic and long-lasting prostheses in implant treatment.
✓ People who want to have aesthetic teeth with digital smile design.

[Zirconium eliminates aesthetic weaknesses in metal-supported crowns, where the metal is perceived as a black stain under the gum.]

Can Zirconium Veneer Be Applied to a Single Tooth?

It is possible to apply a zirconium veneer on a single tooth or multiple teeth.

How Long Does the Zirconium Dental Veneer Procedure Take?

The time varies according to the number of teeth to be veneered and the operation area. At least two sessions are required, as the measurements are taken specific to the person and designed in computer software.

Will It Hurt When Zirconium Dental Veneer is Applied?

You will not feel any pain or ache during the treatment. If necessary, local anesthesia can be applied; however, this is usually not necessary.

[We make temporary teeth for you so that you can use them easily in your daily life until your zirconium teeth are ready.]

What are the Advantages of Zirconium Dental Veneer?

✓ It does not discolor the gingiva because it is compatible with human tissue.
✓ Thanks to its high light transmittance, it looks aesthetic and natural.
✓ It is long-lasting and can be used comfortably for years.
✓ There is no discoloration on the zirconium tooth veneer.

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