E-Max Porcelain

E-Max, designed with CAD-CAM technology, provides maximum aesthetics and durability in the area of application.

[E-Max, known as full porcelain, provides excellent aesthetics, especially in the anterior teeth, and its extremely durable structures are practical.]

Frequently Asked Questions About E-Max Dental Veneers

What Makes E-Max Special?

E-Max, produced by compressing the crystalline ceramic core under high pressure and firing glass ceramic on it, is a porcelain with increased durability.

Who Can Have E-Max Dental Veneers?

✓ People who want to have their anterior teeth with gaps aesthetically corrected.
✓ People who want the negative looks such as fractures and cracks in their anterior teeth to be eliminated.
✓ People who prefer larger anterior teeth aesthetically.
✓ People who are not satisfied with dental bleaching.
✓ People who want to have aesthetic teeth with digital smile design.

[E-Max, which is specially produced using CAD/CAM technology, is like a natural tooth with its excellent light transmission.]

How is E-Max Dental Veneer Applied?

After measuring and modeling, the personalized E-Max is designed in a CAD/CAM device. It is then attached to the natural tooth with a special adhesive.

Will It Hurt When E-Max Dental Veneers Are Applied?

You will not feel any pain or ache during the treatment. Even local anesthesia is often not needed.

How Long Does It Take to Apply E-Max Dental Veneer?

The time may vary depending on the number of teeth to be veneered. At least 2 sessions are required to create and model a personalized design.

What are the Advantages of E-Max Dental Veneer?

✓ It is applied without damaging the natural teeth.
✓ It provides excellent aesthetics thanks to its high light transmittance.
✓ Tartar formation is rare thanks to its smooth surface.


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