Aesthetic Filling

Bonding is an aesthetic filling process. It is the fastest and most economical technique to provide dental aesthetics and restore the natural function of the tooth.

[In the bonding procedure, the surface of the tooth is not abraded, there is no need for tooth veneer.]

Frequently Asked Questions About Bonding

Who Can Have Bonding?

✓ People who need to have their tooth fractures treated.
✓ People who want to improve the treated caries aesthetically.
✓ People who demand the gap between the teeth to be eliminated.
✓ People who need slight thread extension.

How is Bonding Performed?

Composite fillings, known as white filling, are used in bonding. Composite fillings are extremely durable and aesthetic. “Nanoceramic composite filling” is used at Novus Clinic.

[Many superior properties have been obtained in terms of both durability and aesthetics compared to classical fillings thanks to the micro porcelain parts added into the filling with nanotechnology.]

How Long Does Bonding Procedure Take?

Bonding to a single tooth is completed between 30 minutes and 1 hour.

What Should Be Paid Attention To After Bonding?

Tea and coffee consumption should be reduced for 48 hours against stain formation. To prolong the permanence of the bonding treatment, the nutshells should not be broken with teeth.

What are the Advantages of Bonding Treatment?

✓ It is a fast treatment technique.
✓ Natural teeth do not need to be abraded.
✓ There is no need for dental veneers.
✓ It is the procedure with the lowest cost among dental aesthetic treatments.


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