Laser Technology

Teeth that have darkened in color can be restored to their natural whiteness with the help of special gels and solutions.

[Laser technology is used during this procedure. The bleaching materials are activated by the laser on the surface of the tooth.]

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Bleaching

Why Do Teeth Lose Their Whiteness?

The events that trigger the change in tooth color start in the fetal period. Antibiotics used by the mother during pregnancy and antibiotics used during infancy are the first factors that cause the color change. Then time-dependent factors come into play such as insufficient dental hygiene, consumption of coffee/tea/cigarette/alcohol and smoking, and root canal treatment to save the tooth.

How Is Dental Bleaching Performed?

There are two methods. Professional and faster dental bleaching is performed by the dentist in the clinic. This is called in-office bleaching. The other method is performed at home. This is called home bleaching.

How Is Professional Dental Bleaching Performed?

Gums are covered with a preservative to prevent them from the effect of the gel and solutions. The special bleaching gel is applied to the teeth and it is activated by the laser. The bleaching treatment performed by the dentist in the clinic is completed in 1 hour.

How Is Dental Bleaching Performed at Home?

People who prefer to perform dental bleaching at home have to be examined by the dentist. The dentist, who plans the sessions to be performed at home, produces a personalized transparent plaque. Bleaching sessions are performed at home with the gel applied to the transparent plaque. Bleaching performed at home takes between 1 to 2 weeks.

“Dental bleaching at home has risks. The desired result cannot be obtained due to incorrect application. If the transparent plaque is placed incorrectly on the teeth, the gingiva may be damaged.”

Is It Possible to Bleach Single Tooth?

The dentist can perform bleaching for a single tooth. Single tooth bleaching is especially applied to the tooth that has lost its color during the root canal treatment. The filling in the tooth is removed and a whitening gel is applied to the tooth cavity. The process is repeated for about three days until the tooth that has been filled with a temporary filling whitens.

Will My Teeth Be Damaged by Dental Bleaching Treatment?

Professional dental bleaching performed by the dentist will not cause any damage. It is normal to experience mild sensitivity in the teeth in the first 24 hours.

[The use of ready-made bleaching kits sold in virtual markets is risky. For your health, we recommend that you avoid using these ready-made kits.]

How Successful Is Dental Bleaching?

In the dental bleaching performed by the dentist, the color of the tooth can be lightened up to 8 to 10 shades. The result depends on the person in the home bleaching method.

Is Dental Bleaching Permanent?

The effect of dental bleaching lasts from 6 months to 2 years. The duration may vary depending on the tea, coffee, cigarettes, smoking, and alcohol consumption habits.

What are the Advantages of Dental Bleaching?

✓ An aesthetic look can be achieved quickly with dental bleaching.
✓ It is a healthy treatment that gives the teeth their natural shine.
✓ It is a procedure that improves smile aesthetics and gives the person self-confidence.
✓ Bleaching is a quick check-up method for oral and dental health.

[Other procedures that require treatment on the teeth are completed first to achieve the desired result in the bleaching process. If any, gum diseases are treated, dental stones are cleaned.]


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