About Us

About Us

Who We Are And What We Do ?

Dede Health was founded with the aim of providing the highest quality medical services to patients from all over the world and turning the treatment process into a comfortable journey around Turkey. It is located in the Atasehir district of Istanbul, populated by high-end hospitals. The Dede Health team has decades of experience in the healthcare industry.As a health tourism agency, Dede Health creates a unique healing journey in cooperation with leading doctors and leading health institutions in Turkey. With a patient-centric approach, Dede Health offers its patients unique and customized solutions with the utmost care.Dede Health offers a wide range of treatments such as plastic surgery, obesity surgery, hair transplant and dental care in hospitals equipped with the latest technology. Dede Health will be happy to offer you various treatment options with an experienced medical team and a solid network of contacts.

Our mission is to provide exceptional healthcare services and wellness programs that inspire healthy living and positive life-changing experiences. We aim to exceed our clients’ expectations and become their trusted healthcare partner.

Our vision is to be a leading global provider of innovative health and wellness solutions, offering personalized care and attention to promote optimal health and wellbeing for all our clients.

Our values include integrity, compassion, innovation, excellence, and personalized care. We believe in fostering a culture of wellness and mindfulness, providing exceptional healthcare services that positively impact our clients’ lives.

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Phone : +90 501 081 08 82 / +90 216 455 54 08
Email : info@dedehealth.com.tr

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