Fast and Fixed Implant 

 In this treatment, which requires advanced technology and expertise, a special type of implant and special implant parts are used allowing permanent teeth to be mounted within 1 to 3 days. 

 [72-Hour Implant and Permanent Tooth treatment have higher success rates compared to the traditional techniques that require a waiting period of 2 to 6 months.]* 

 Frequently Asked Questions About 72-Hour Implant and Permanent Teeth 

What Kind of Implant Is Used in This Treatment? 

✓ Implants developed for 72-Hour Implant and Permanent Tooth treatment have special thread designs.
✓ Specially designed implants have a greater adhesion force to the bone.
✓ The osseointegration (fusing with the bone) time is faster in these implants produced with nanotechnology.
✓ The surfaces of these implants are specially shaped with nanotechnology, and they can be positioned on the bone at different depths and angles.
✓ Thanks to the flexibility of positioning, all alternative teeth can be made on the implants.
✓ Dental veneers can be screwed directly onto specially designed implants without any adhesive.
✓ A wider support area can be provided for the teeth by direct mounting of the veneers. 

 [Since the prosthetic parts of these tissue-friendly and biocompatible special implants are attached, edema and tissue fluid are easily eliminated in the mouth, and there is almost no swelling and bruising.] 

Will it hurt during the 72-Hour Implant and Permanent Teeth procedures? 

Local anesthesia is administered during the surgical procedure. There is no pain or ache. 

 [Local anesthesia is sufficient for 72 Hour Implant and Permanent Teeth treatment, which is extremely comfortable compared to conventional implants, but those who wish may prefer general anesthesia.] 

What are the Special Devices Used During Treatment? 

The procedure is performed using the surgical application kit specially designed for the “72-Hour Implant and Teeth”. In addition, the Implantmed Physiodispenser device, which enables the preparation of the implant bed, the Piezomed Piezosurgery Device, which is used for osteotomy, and the ISQ-Implant Stability Quotient device, which measures the implant stability, are used in this procedure.

 What are the Advantages of 72-Hour Implant and Permanent Dental Treatment? 

✓ There is no need to wait for months.
✓ The waiting period of 2 to 6 months in traditional implants decreases to 3 days at the most.
✓ It allows you to have permanent teeth in 3 days and does not affect your daily life.
✓ There is little or no swelling and bruising in the implant area.
✓ Since it is completed in a short time, it is an economical treatment, especially for patients living abroad. 

[72-Hour Implant and Permanent Dental treatment enables aesthetic teeth that can be used for years without any problems.] 


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