Hair Transplantation

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Hair Transplantation

A small amount of hair loss is a normal process for your hair health, but in cases where the rate of shedding increases, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor. The problem of hair loss may occur due to genetic and various diseases in men, and more often due to hormonal reasons and some diseases in women. Regardless of the reason, hair loss can cause psychological problems such as changing the appearance of people, feeling unwell over time and being isolated from social life. In such cases, hair transplantation is a permanent and effective solution for your hair to regain its natural appearance.

Hair transplantation allows both men and women to have healthy and bushy hair and regain its former density.

Before Operation

Every patient goes through a preparatory phase before starting the operation after the decision to have a hair transplant. This stage consists of a consultancy service and a preliminary preparation process.

Preparation for the hair transplant operation begins with a consultation at the Hairpol Clinic. During the examination, the doctor examines the patient’s state of health and all necessary health screening tests. During the consultation, the doctor determines the patient’s hair loss stage, the condition of the nape donor area and the number of grafts to be transplanted. Based on all the data obtained, the doctor determines the appropriate hair transplant method for the person. In addition, in preparation for hair transplantation, the doctor makes recommendations that the patient should follow within the time frame determined before the surgery.

After the diagnosis is made and the number of grafts to be transplanted is determined, a new hairline is started to form.

In addition, a preliminary estimate of the cost of hair transplantation is given to the patient at the first consultation. The cost of hair transplantation is calculated depending on the chosen technique and additional procedures (if necessary).

In Hairpol Hair Clinic, remote online consultation service is provided for people who want to receive hair loss treatment and live abroad. Online consultation is carried out in the form of evaluation of sent photos or video interview. For Online Consultation, the person should send up-to-date photos of the areas with hair loss and their hair, including the nape, from different angles, so that the doctor can determine the operation plan or hair treatment that is suitable for the person. Online consultation is a preliminary information for the applicant. A completely accurate analysis and definitive diagnosis is made in a face-to-face examination at the clinic.

After the doctor determines the date for the operation, the preparation phase begins. The operation program in the clinic is prepared a few months in advance. It is recommended to limit or exclude certain foods and drugs before the hair transplant operation. In addition, the patient should inform the doctor about the presence of skin diseases, if any.
The patient should avoid smoking and drinking alcohol about a week before the operation. The doctor may recommend that you stop taking medications (within the relevant doctor’s notification) that may adversely affect the course of the operation.

A few days before the transplant, it is recommended to postpone doing active physical exercises, get more rest and sleep.

It is stated that the patient should wash his hair and take a shower on the day of the operation. Patients can have breakfast as usual on the day of the operation. Liquid and food intake should be stopped 2 hours before starting the operation. The choice of clothing should be such that the bandage on the head cannot be removed from the head after the operation, which will minimize friction and discomfort on the scalp. Instead of clothes that can be removed from the head such as T-shirts, sweaters and dresses, clothes that will not damage the head area, such as shirts or sweatpants with zippers on the front, should be preferred. The clothing itself should be comfortable.


After blood tests, sterilization of the hair transplant area and local anesthesia are performed. Sedation is applied according to the patient’s preference. The operation takes place in two main stages:

Hair on the back of the head does not fall out in male pattern baldness. For this reason, the hair follicles in the nape area become the main material for transplantation, namely the donor. Hair follicles, which are in the form of follicular units, are collected from the donor area, not hair strands.

These hair follicles are located 3-4 mm deep in the scalp.

The technique of removing the roots is determined by the method of operation. With the FUE method, individual follicular units are removed without incisions and stitches. This method is known to be gentler and more comfortable. After hair transplantation using the FUE method or its subtypes, there are no traces of the operation and the recovery process is fast. Donor material is usually removed from the nape of the patient. If this area is not enough, hair follicles taken from the beard or chest area are also used as an additional donor.

Then, the extracted grafts are sorted as single, double and triple hair follicles using micro tweezers and are prepared for the next stage of transplantation.

This stage of the operation is the moment of performing the hair transplant. The hair follicles collected in this process are placed in the bald area. Hair follicles are implanted using surgical micro tweezers into pre-formed channels. These channels are previously created with a special tool, micro equipment. With this tool, the doctor opens a channel between the existing hair at the same angle where the natural hair grows. This is the most important step in achieving the most natural result in hair transplantation. The number of channels depends on the number of grafts. The grafts collected in the opened channels are transplanted manually using micro tweezers. In the method in which the Choi instrument is used, hair transplantation is performed with a single touch without micro-perforations.


The main task of the operation is not to regenerate the amount of hair lost with mathematical precision, but to create natural-looking hair with sufficient volume. If the source of the donor area allows, hair transplantation can be performed several times.


Generally, the entire hair transplant process takes 4-8 hours depending on the size of the transplanted area. If the baldness area is large, the patient may need 2-3 operations at least one year apart.


The patient is conscious throughout the entire operation. In long-lasting operations, short breaks can be given so that the patient can rest.

After Operation

Modern hair transplantation methods are comfortable, do not require a long recovery period. However, there are rules that we need to pay attention to and follow after the operation.

After the operation, the hair transplant area is left open. The donor area is covered with gauze and bandage.

A special tape is attached to the section below the hairline to prevent swelling in the face area.

After the operation, he will prescribe prophylactic antibiotics, edema relievers and drugs that you can use if you feel pain.

Our patient should come back to the clinic on the second day after the operation. In the post-operative visit, the patient’s scalp is examined for conditions such as infection, bleeding, and injury, and necessary recommendations are made on how to care for the transplanted hair in the coming days. In addition, the clinic staff will tell you how to care for your hair and teach you how to wash it. In addition, a number of special cosmetic products are given for scalp care, which will accelerate healing. The success of the operation also depends on the care process that will be carefully applied afterwards.

The patient can return to his daily life on the second day after the operation.

After hair transplantation, the most important process for the patient is hair care. Daily care should be performed as taught in the clinic for 15 days after the operation. In the first two weeks after the operation, it is necessary to pay attention to the transplanted hair and avoid contact and impact, since the hair is still prone to easy shedding from the channels. In addition, since sweating slows down the healing process by preventing the formation of healthy hair follicles, the patient should avoid any physical activity (sports, weight bearing, sexual intercourse, etc.) that may cause sweating in the first week after the operation. Alcohol is not recommended during this time as it can cause additional swelling. Generally, after 3-5 days, the red spots in the transplanted area will heal and disappear. The donor area heals in about 5-7 days.
Hair will start to grow 2-3 months after the operation. The survival rate of the hair with transplantation using modern methods is approximately 97-98%. The doctor and the patient will be able to evaluate the final result approximately 9-12 months after the operation. The transplanted hair of the patients has a natural and healthy appearance. The most natural result of hair transplantation will depend on the correct postoperative care and the patient’s compliance with all recommendations.

Hair Transplant Methods

Hair transplantation provides an effective and comfortable solution and does not require a long recovery period. It is preferred to restore and revitalize the hair follicles in the head, eyebrows, beard and sideburns.

Hair transplantation procedures at Hairpol are performed according to the most modern methods. The most advanced and effective methods applied in hair transplantation today are FUE Hair Transplantation (Follicular Unit Extraction) and DHI methods. The transplanted hair has a natural appearance and there are no traces of operation.

Hair Transplantation with FUE Method

Hair transplantation techniques and technologies have been developing for more than 30 years. Today, the most advanced hair transplant method is the FUE method. It was first developed and tested in the early 2000s. This method is the most preferred latest technique in most clinics around the world.

The main advantages of using the FUE method in hair transplantation are; it is minimally invasive, leaves no visible scars and recovery is fast.

Our doctors ensure the successful outcome of the entire operation by applying the techniques to be used according to the content of the method they deem appropriate. Although the basic principles of FUE Hair Transplantation are basically the same in all methods, they are named differently due to the differences in the medical devices used.
The techniques used in the FUE method are as follows:

Classic FUE (Via Micro Motors)
It is a basic technique generally used in hair transplant operations in clinics around the world.

In the classical FUE method, hair grafts are taken from the donor area (primarily the nape area) one by one and transplanted into the channels opened in the bald area. This process is a microsurgical procedure performed under local anesthesia. Since natural hair growth and density largely depend on this stage, grooving is very important for the success of the operation. In the classical FUE method, there is no incision or suture mark on the scalp.

Sapphire FUE (FUE Made with Sapphire Tips)
In Sapphire FUE hair transplantation, multiple hair follicles are transplanted in a single session. The most well-known feature of the sapphire FUE method is the use of sapphire grooving equipment instead of metal grooving equipment to open smaller micro-channels for planting. The use of special sapphire-tipped pens minimizes the formation of crusts on the scalp and accelerates the healing process.

DHI Method (FUE with Choi Implants)
Thanks to the use of a special implanter pen known as the Choi pen, hair grafts are transplanted directly into the recipient area without creating an incision. Choi pencil is very thin, sharp and cylindrical in nature. Thanks to this special pen, each hair follicle is placed one by one and placed in the area to be transplanted without opening channels. The most important point of this process is that it enables more frequent planting.

DHI is generally used to create a perfect hairline, to increase hair density by planting between existing hair, or to correct small bald areas.

Since the recipient area does not need to be shaved when using the implanter pen, unshaven hair transplantation can be performed with the DHI method.

Painless Hair Transplant

Before starting hair transplantation procedures, local anesthesia is applied to our patients. Since hair transplantation operations are performed under local anesthesia, the procedure itself does not cause discomfort. However, hair transplantation can be performed with mild sedation for our patients who have high levels of anxiety, are excited and do not feel comfortable. (Smooth Fue Hair Transplantation Method) Light sedation is an anesthetic method that ensures that pain is not felt and has a relaxing effect. Therefore, patients will feel comfortable and even pleasant during hair transplantation. The dose of the sedative is determined by the anesthesiologist throughout the operation.

Anesthesia vs. Sedation: What’s the Difference?

Local anesthesia is the application that minimizes the sensitivity of a certain part of the body before the operation and ensures that the pain is not felt in this region.

Sedation, on the other hand, helps to relieve the patient’s psycho-emotional stress, fear and panic. In this case, the patient is conscious, sees and understands everything, but does not feel pain; therefore, the patient experiences a comfortable hair transplant with the light sedation applied.

Anesthesia and sedation are completely safe methods. Each of the anesthesia procedures is performed under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. Hair transplantation is a long procedure and therefore, performing it under local anesthesia and sedation helps the patient to have a painless, trouble-free and comfortable operation.

Hair Transplant Process

The hair transplant procedure covers the pre-operative, operation and post-operative period.

Before Operation:

Before hair transplantation, the general health status of the patient and his suitability for hair transplantation are evaluated by the doctor. Persons suitable for the operation are made an appointment for the operation. One week before the operation, patients are informed about how to prepare for the operation and what to consider before the operation.


There are 4 Stages of Hair Transplantation Operation:

  1. Removal of hair follicles from the donor area with a micro motor
  2. Collection of hair grafts from the donor area
  3. Preparation of hair follicles for hair transplantation
  4. Creation of micro channels in the area to be planted
  5. Planting hair follicles in the opened micro channels


Retrieval and Preparation of Donor Hair Roots:

The hair transplantation process begins with the creation of a feasible hair transplantation planning for each patient, which plays an important role in the success of the entire operation. In the first stage of the operation, a sufficient number of grafts are collected from the donor area. Hair follicles extracted with cylindrical needles are collected one by one and the least destruction is provided.

Removing the hair follicles in the appropriate direction requires expertise and ensures that the hair follicles collected from the donor area are used without being destroyed. The success of this stage ensures that the available donor capacity is used without loss. This process is carried out meticulously and by an experienced specialist in order to protect the donor area, considering both the success of the current planting and possible hair loss in the future.
The grafts taken from the donor area are placed in a container filled with a special solution. This solution protects the hair follicles from the external environment without affecting their natural biological properties.

Recipient Area Preparation and Graft Transplantation:

At this stage of hair transplantation, the grafts prepared in advance are transferred to the area to be transplanted. First of all, the specialist opens micro channels in the area where the hair follicles will be transplanted. Metal or sapphire tipped special tools are preferred for opening these channels.

In order for the hair to be planted to grow in a natural appearance, it is important to open the channels properly and to plant the hair follicles in accordance with the direction and angle of the person’s natural hair. This stage directly affects the outcome of the operation and therefore requires expertise and good experience.

At the end of all stages, the transplanted area will no longer suffer from hair loss and the transplanted hair will naturally grow in a period of 12-18 months.

So what else should we know about hair transplantation?

Hair transplant operation is usually applied to patients between the ages of 20-65.
On average, preparation for the operation, hair transplantation itself and recovery take as little as 3 days.
Although the operation time varies according to the volume of the transplanted hair follicles, it takes an average of 6-8 hours.
Hair transplant surgery is performed under the supervision of a medical doctor and by a medical team of hair transplant specialists.
Hair transplant operation rooms require a sterile environment and the operation can only be performed by TC. It can be done in polyclinics, medical centers or hospitals authorized by the Ministry of Health.
The final result of the procedure is evaluated 8 -12 months after the operation date.

Additional Donor Material Sources for Hair Transplantation

Sometimes it is seen that there is not enough donor material behind the patient’s head. In such cases, the doctor may recommend collecting hair follicles from other parts of the body. These areas consist of hair follicles in the beard area and body area.

Hair Transplant from the Beard Area

Due to its beard hair structure, it is ideal for hair transplantation in cases where there is not enough donor material in the nape area. Beard grafts are suitable because they are resistant to hair loss and provide the best hair volume in the transplanted area due to their structure. Generally, beard hair roots are used for hair transplantation if the area to be transplanted is a large area and the donor area on the nape is insufficient.

Hair Transplantation from the Body Area

In cases where the donor material behind the head and beard is not sufficient, body hair can be an alternative graft source for hair transplantation. If the hair follicles taken from the nape and beard area are insufficient, another preferred area for hair transplantation is chest hair.

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