Obesity Surgery

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Obesity Surgery

Obesity surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is a surgical procedure that aims to help individuals with severe obesity lose weight and improve their overall health. There are several types of obesity surgery, including gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, and adjustable gastric banding. These procedures work by reducing the size of the stomach, limiting the amount of food that can be eaten at one time, and altering the way that food is absorbed in the body. Obesity surgery is typically recommended for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) over 40, or a BMI over 35 with other obesity-related health problems, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. While obesity surgery can greatly improve health outcomes for those with severe obesity, it is a major surgical procedure and carries some risks, including infection, bleeding, and nutritional deficiencies. It is important for individuals considering obesity surgery to work closely with a qualified healthcare provider to determine the best treatment approach for their individual needs.

Why do we need bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery, also known as obesity surgery, is recommended for individuals with severe obesity who have not been successful in losing weight through other methods such as diet and exercise. This type of surgery can help to improve or even resolve obesity-related health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and joint pain. Additionally, bariatric surgery has been shown to reduce the risk of developing other health problems associated with obesity, such as heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Obesity is a complex condition that can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. It can be difficult for individuals with severe obesity to lose weight and maintain weight loss through traditional methods. Bariatric surgery can provide a significant jump-start to weight loss efforts, and also helps to modify the hormonal and metabolic processes that contribute to obesity.

It’s important to note that bariatric surgery is not a quick fix or a cosmetic procedure. It is a major surgical procedure that carries some risks and requires significant lifestyle changes and ongoing support to achieve long-term success. It is recommended for individuals with severe obesity who have exhausted other weight loss options and are committed to making the necessary lifestyle changes to improve their health.

Gastric balloons are silicone balloons that are filled with saline water and inflated after they are inserted into the stomach. For people who cannot lose weight by diet and exercise or do not want to undergo surgery, as well as for those with high surgical risks, this is a temporary weight loss method applied endoscopically. It is necessary to remove the gastric balloon after a period ranging from six months to one year

Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical weight-loss technique in which the stomach is reduced to approximately 25% of its actual size by removing the major curve of the stomach. It can be performed with a laparoscopic or robotic method. This method shapes the stomach like a sleeve or a banana which restricts the appetite.

With this surgery, your upper stomach is reduced to about the size of an egg. This is accomplished by stapling off the upper section of the stomach, so you can eat less food. Afterward, the surgeon attaches the pouch directly to the Roux limb of the small intestine which forms a “Y” shape. The food you eat bypasses your small intestine and the rest of your stomach and it results in absorbing less fat and calories from the food.

Aesthetic eyelid surgery gives aging eyes a more open, revived, and naturally young appearance. If you are tired of looking weary even when you feel amazing, eyelid surgery may be a suitable choice for you.

This process is a bariatric surgery procedure that seeks to resize the stomach and diminish nutrient absorption. Within a short time after the surgery patient’s satisfaction increase noticeably merely because of the results caused by bypassing the 6 feet intestine during the process.

Transit bipartition surgery is a metabolic surgical procedure used to treat Type 2 diabetes and help obese individuals with BMIs above 30 lose weight. Developed by Dr. Santoro in Brazil 10 years ago, it is now widely accepted and used. Surgery involves connecting the small intestine’s 1/3 end to the stomach as an alternative passage. Hence, foods passing through here stimulate small intestine hormones to control diabetes.

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