
We serve you better with specialist doctors and centers with a minimum of 10 years of experience.

Our Treatments


Urology is a medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the urinary tract and male reproductive system. Urologists are trained to diagnose and manage a wide range of conditions, including urinary tract infections, kidney stones, prostate cancer, erectile dysfunction, and infertility. They use a variety of diagnostic tools and treatments, such as ultrasounds, blood tests, medications, and surgery, to help their patients maintain optimal urinary and reproductive health. Urology is an important field of medicine that plays a vital role in the overall health and wellbeing of individuals.

Infertility is a medical condition characterized by the inability to conceive a child after one year of trying. Causes of infertility can include issues with ovulation, sperm production or function, fallopian tube blockages, or other factors. Treatments may include medication, surgery, assisted reproductive technology, or lifestyle changes.

Azoospermia is a medical condition where semen contains no sperm. This can be caused by a blockage in the reproductive tract or by problems with sperm production. Treatment options may include surgery or assisted reproductive technology, depending on the underlying cause.


Varicocele is a condition characterized by the enlargement of veins within the scrotum. It can cause pain, discomfort, and infertility in some cases. Treatment options may include medication or surgery to repair the affected veins and improve fertility.

Premature ejaculation is a condition where a man ejaculates sooner than he or his partner would like during sexual intercourse. It can be caused by psychological or physical factors, and treatment options may include medication, therapy, or behavioral techniques.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a medical condition where a man has difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection during sexual activity. It can be caused by physical or psychological factors and can often be treated with medication, therapy, or lifestyle changes.

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